Be a National Juror

Call for National Jury Members


Celtic Media Festival is seeking National Jurors to assist in the adjudication of productions submitted for the Torc Awards for Excellence this current competition period.


Every year, Celtic Media Festival strives to create a fair competition platform where producers, broadcasters and content creators from all areas of media production compete for prestige and recognition through their entries into the competition. Celtic Media Festival feels very strongly that all programmes should be watched and considered by a jury, and no initial online voting system is in place for the Torc Awards for Excellence. 

While the mission of the competition is to create prestige and recognition for winners, the vision is to develop and support production and broadcast in the Celtic nations and regions. 
Celtic Media Festival is looking for media and creative industries professionals with a minimum of 3 years of experience who are motivated, enthusiastic and will dedicate the required time to the task of adjudicating productions submitted by their peers. 
Screen juries do not need to be fluent in a language other than English. However Sound juries must be fluent in both English and the indigenous language of the country they will be representing.
If your application is successful, a National Jury member of the Torc Awards for Excellence will:
  1. Get 1 free ticket to the 3 day Festival and Award Ceremonies
  2. Get 1 free ticket to the Final Awards Night
  3. Your name will be printed in the Festival Brochure
Composition of the Jury is divided into two groups:
National Jury: 
  • Screen juries for Scotland, Ireland and Wales are composed of 6 members working in or with experience working in the media industry from each respective location
    Please note that we are also looking for jurors from Brittany, Cornwall, Isle of Man and Galicia.
  • Sound jurors for Scotland, Ireland and Wales are composed of 3 members working in or with experience working in the radio broadcast industry from each respective location. 
International Jury:
  • Screen Juries are split into two groups that will each adjucate half of the categories. Within each group, there are 2 members from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and Cornwall.
  • Sound Juries are split into two groups that will each adjucate half of the categories. Within each group, there is 1 member from Scotland, Ireland and Wales.
Each National Juror, will be given a Jury pack in November 2024 and a date will be set for 2 National Jury Meetings taking place in early 2025.
All National Screen Jury categories will be split into two sub-jury groups who will watch half of the categories to decrease the work-load of jury members, assigning each jury to several relevant categories.
They will watch all entries in each category given during this period and will meet at their first meeting  to discuss all entries and select their top entries from these categories. After both sub-juries have met, they will exchange their top selections and view the other sub-juries top picks.
Finally, the whole National Jury will meet at a final meeting a few weeks later to select their nominations.
The International Jury is then tasked with selecting the winners.
SCREEN: Animation; Arts; Children’s Programme; Comedy; Current Affairs; Drama Series; Entertainment; Factual Entertainment; Factual Series; Feature Documentary; History; Live Music Programme;Short Drama (Up to 30 Mins); Short Form; Single Documentary; Single Drama (Over 30 Mins) and Sports Documentary
SOUND: Comedy; Documentary; Entertainment; Factual Series, History, Music Programme; Presenter of the Year; Radio Station of the Year and Sports Programme.
Nations and Regions included: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, Isle of Man and Galicia.
Important Dates: Jury members will be sent a doodle poll at the start of their viewing which must be filled out as early as possible in order to set all jury meetings in January/February.
If you would like to become part of the National Jury for Celtic Media Festival 2025. Please send an email with the following to
Country of Residence: 
Job Title: 
Linkedin Profile (if possible): 
Brief Bio: 
Languages (other than English):
For further questions, the Festival team is available and jury questions are given highest priority in communication. To contact our support team please email: