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Boban is Fuigheag

Pre-school stop-frame animated series about two fluffy friends who live in a Hebridean weaver’s shed. In this opening episode Fuigheag is in a tizzy, trying to free himself from a roll of sticky tape. Boban tries to calm him down before things get worse, and they end up stuck together. But with a little loving cuddle everything is fine!

Boban is Fuigheag
Title in English
Stuck on you (Steigt' ort-sa)
Entry Category
Animation (Screen)
Produced By
Second Home Studios / Obh! Obh! Productions / Stitchy Feet
May Smart (Obh! Obh! Productions), Martin Tapley (Stitchy Feet), Chris Randall (Second Home Studios), Corrinne Averiss
Directed By
Chris Randall
Production Partners
BBC ALBA, TG4, S4C, C5/Milkshake
Corrinne Averiss, Alec Dòmhnallach