"Clonc" is a riotous radio show that cleverly parodies an on-location broadcast for a local radio station. Unlike its previous studio-based format, the show unfolds with exuberance in front of a live audience in Aberystwyth, injecting raw energy and humor into every episode. This particular installment revolves around a food festival, delivering uproarious sketches that satirize the culinary world, the media, and Welsh society, all while serving up generous portions of absurdity and laughter. This is a must-listen for anyone seeking a dose of satire, live entertainment, and a side-splitting take on live radio”
- Festival
- Cardiff 2024
- Title
- Clonc
- Title in English
- Chat
- Entry Category
- Comedy (Sound)
- Produced By
- Producer
- Dyl Mei
- Directed By
- Sarah Breese
- Writer
- Tudur Owen, Gareth Gwynne, Sian Harries
- Broadcaster
- BBC Radio Cymru