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Soft Border Patrol

A brand new comedy set on that stretch of land where the EU meets the UK. This mockumentary shadows a fictional independent organisation backed by governments in London, Dublin, Belfast and Brussels. The SBP monitor crossings and provide information and clarification for the public. It’s a complex job but someone’s got to do it. Does a plank across a stream in a farmer’s field constitute an unlawful border crossing? Following the EU referendum is chorizo still legal in Northern Ireland? And which particular personalised car numberplates play havoc with the new recognition technology? On the ground, the border patrollers deal with a demonstration from a people’s protest movement who feel Brexit presents the perfect opportunity to reunite the nine counties of Ulster. And the SBP launch a reassuring new slogan “We’re Here For You” that in retrospect sounds a bit menacing. Multi-territory hilarity featuring a team caught between a rock and a soft place. Starring Karen Hassan, Neil Delamere, Alan Irwin, Diona Doherty, Patrick Buchanan, Michael Condron, Chris- Patrick Simpson, Faolon Morgan, Julie Maxwell, Eline Van Der Velden, David Ireland, Lucy McConnell, Keith Singleton, Elaine Malcolmson and Michael Stranney.

Aviemore 2019
Soft Border Patrol
Entry Category
Produced By
The Comedy Unit
Marie McDonald
Directed By
Iain Davidson
BBC Northern Ireland