Comedy sketch show based in the magical world of the Mabinogion. The series takes an irreverant look at 4 well known Welsh legends by highlighting the magic and absurdity of the stories. The fast paced script and direction matches the comedy and madness of the content. But despite the madness, by the end of each episode the audience will have a better idea of how epic, amazing, original and wonderful Welsh legends are. Each episode features one of the legends and the story is told by the narrator and cast in a series of sketches and songs and on screen graphics.
- Festival
- Aviemore 2019
- Title
- Mabinogi-ogi
- Title in English
- Entry Category
- Children's Programme
- Produced By
- Boom Cymru
- Producer
- Gaynor Davies / Angharad Garlick
- Directed By
- Gwilym Davies
- Broadcaster
- S4C