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Is Éolaí Mé

The science series is aimed at 8-12 year olds, an audience practically born with a mouse in their hands, ‘Is Eolaí Mé’ encourages kids to get back to basics and learn how to investigate and explore the environment in which they live. Based on the primary school science curriculum, the topics under discussion in ‘Is Eolaí Mé’ are presented in a fun and entertaining way. The series is action packed and features studio, on the road segments, animated segments along with a short comic drama skit in each episode highlighting the theme or topic of the day.

Douglas 2017
Is Éolaí Mé
Title in English
The Science Guy
Entry Category
Children's Programme
Produced By
Meangadh Fíbín Teo
Siobhán Ní Bhradaigh
Directed By
Deirdre Ní Flartharta + Roisín Ní Thuairisg