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Fog of Sex: Stories from the frontline of student sex work

Three years in production and based on exhaustive research interviews this documentary drama recreates the stories of nine female sex workers who balance a life in Higher Education, with life as a sex worker. To preserve anonymity the student sex workers are played by actors, all the dialogue however is verbatim, drawn directly from the interview transcripts. Directed by BAFTA award winning filmmaker Christopher Morris, the film was entirely researched, produced and filmed by film graduates and students. The film is made as part of The Student Sex Work Project, a lottery funded research study run by Swansea University.

The film was mostly crewed, acted and researched by students under 25. The nine participating sex workers were all aged 18-25. The film is aimed squarely at those currently at university but also those leaving school and thinking about going to university. The film is designed not to stigmatise or judge the actions and decisions of the student sex workers but to shed light on their lives and provide a platform for discussion around this important subject.

Writer/Director: Christopher Morris

*Jury recomendation: Not Suitable for under 16.

Dungarvan 2016
Fog of Sex: Stories from the frontline of student sex work
Entry Category
Young People
Produced By
Visual Influence
Chris Britten and Richard Starkey
Directed By
Christopher Morris
Production Partners
Swansea University and University of South Wales