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Richard and Jaco: Life with Autism

Jaco Mylan is like any other 11-year-old boy. He loves rugby, dancing and washing machines. Jaco also has autism. In this intimate documentary, Welsh actor Richard Mylan reflects on his experience of raising a son on the autistic spectrum. Like all parents, Richard wants Jaco to be happy and independent, but he's well aware that having a child with special needs means you have to plan further into the future. Will Jaco be able to get a job? Where will he live? How much support will he need? Through spending time with adults on the autistic spectrum, Richard comes across funny, surprising and inspiring individuals who have their own unique take on living with this lifelong condition.

Llanelli 2018
Richard and Jaco: Life with Autism
Entry Category
Single Documentary
Produced By
ie ie productions
Catryn Ramasut
Directed By
Laura Martin-Robinson & Claire Hill